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The ten key principles of cyclone resistant construction

Choose the location carefully to avoid the full force of the wind or flood

Use building layout with a simple regular shape, to avoid concentration of pressure.

Build the roof at an angle of 30° to 45° to prevent it being lifted off by the wind.


Avoid wide roof overhangs; separate the veranda structure from the house.


Make sure the foundations, walls, and roof structure are all firmly fixed together.

Reinforce the  bracing in the structure; strengthen walls and joints/ junctions to increase stiffness.

Make sure the roof covering is firmly attached to the roof structure to prevent it from lifting.

If doors & shutters cannot be shut, make sure there are opposing openings to reduce pressure build up.

Use doors and shutters that can be closed.

Plant trees around the house as wind breaks and reduce flow of water, but not too close.


Note: These were originally developed and tested in the course of the DWF/GRET implementation of UNDP/UNCHS programme VIE /85/019 "Demonstration of typhoon resistant building techniques" 1989-1991.  They in turn were influenced by the work of Fred Cuny and Intertect in the Caribbean