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Climate-related disasters in Asia and the Pacific

14 August 2013

Is there a relationship between these changes in climate and the increase in natural disasters in Asia and the Pacific? This Asian Development Bank economics working paper considers three main disaster risk factors: rising population exposure, greater population vulnerability, and increasing climate-related hazards, that are behind the increased frequency of intense natural disasters.

The most significant association is found to be between the increase in natural disasters and population exposure, represented by population densities.

More money, better money needed for DRR

14 August 2013

By Jan Kellett, ODI

Much more is needed to make international disaster risk reduction (DRR) efforts long-lasting and effective. Key to this improvement is shifting the balance from financing standalone projects towards integrating risk into the heart of vulnerable countries’ development.

This change in direction is clear in the mid-term review of the Hyogo Framework for Action – the global community’s 2005-2015 blueprint for advancing DRR.

In a little over 18 months, a grand gathering will meet in Japan to review 10 years of this framework, and decide on the future of global efforts to reduce

Baissons la chaleur : Phénomènes climatiques extrêmes, impacts régionaux et plaidoyer en faveur de l’adaptation

1 July 2013

Changement climatique : quelles conséquences pour l’Afrique, l’Asie et les populations côtières pauvres ?


  • Un nouveau rapport sur le climat évalue l'impact d'une hausse de la température de 2 à 4 °C en Afrique, Asie du Sud et Asie du Sud-Est.
  • Ce document décrit les risques liés à l'agriculture et aux moyens de subsistance en Afrique subsaharienne et à la fluctuation des ressources en eau en Asie du Sud, ainsi que les effets dévastateurs qu'aurait l'élévation du niveau de la mer sur les récifs coraliens en Asie du Sud-Est.
  • Le rapport insiste sur le fait que les populations
